July 15, 2007

Romano Guardini on the presence of God

From The Inner Life of Jesus: Pattern of All Holiness:
Heaven surrounded Jesus, the accessible presence of the Father.

And Jesus has brought this presence to us. We know that the Father loves us in Jesus. We have confidence in the grace of His love for us; we know that His eyes see us, His heart is turned toward us, and His hand leads us. We believe that Heaven is around us.

However, one thing is missing: we do not feel the presence of God. It is still closed off, from our side. It is closed off by what we ourselves are; by the heaviness of our imprisoned being; by the slothfulness and dullness of our hearts; by the evil that is in us. Heaven would be here entire if God opened up His presence to us, and at the same time opened up men's hearts so they could feel this presence.

Perhaps it can be said that Heaven is on its way to us as long as we do not keep it at a distance by our own actions. I believe it is no fantasy or delusion to think this way: that our whole Christian life consists in having Heaven continually striving to catch up with us, close in on us. Every Christian act, belief, love, sacrifice, struggle, every perseverance and courageous performance -- all these things make possible the approach of Him who desires only to come forward. But all coldness, indifference, slothfulness, weakness, pride, covetousness -- everything that sin is called -- forces Him back, bars the road to Him. And Heaven fights. Heaven wants to come to us. For Heaven is only God's love come home.